Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Walking the dog

Some of you might now and some might not but our weather here its pretty mild considering we came from a very cold part of canada lol, we get the occasional gloomy and rainy days but sometimes we get very lucky and get some nice warmer sunny days. For those days we have to get ourselfs outside and take roxy and landon for a walk we usually just go down the block to the dog park to let roxy off the leash and get all her energy out. a couple days ago we had a lovely day and so we headed out with our kids landon loves going to the park and calling roxy and seeing other dogs he has a good time, and of course roxy loves it. landon always cries for us to let him hold the leash so that he may be able to walk roxy he wants to feel older and thinks he can do it. we have let him a couple times and its too cute to watch him, its funny to see how roxy walks faster than what landon can walk and she has made him fall one or two times but that dosent stop him from not wanting to walk her big sister. he totally loves it.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! We just got more snow last night... that sunshine looks wonderful. Enjoy!
